Brief of Import to Indonesia

Importation of goods into Indonesia must be declared to the customs authority using an Import declaration form (PIB = persetujuan import barang). To be able to fulfill customs obligations, the importer must be registered to the Indonesia trade department to obtain a customs identification number (NIK).

Any goods coming from overseas into the Indonesian customs territory are treated as import and are generally subject to customs duty. All importation of goods into Indonesia should verified first before release into importer. Verification of documentation and physical inspection of goods is needed to ensure that all is as per Indonesia import procedure.

Import taxes and customs duty should be settled first before the goods are released from the customs area at port of discharges. If the deadline is not met, the customs duty payable is subject to an administrative penalty of 10% from the customs duty payable or base on current tariff.

Customs will not and never release the goods to importer if all the Indonesia import procedure has not complete yet.